The project outputs
Target 1.
Kick-off Meeting & Presentation of the Situation of Existing Inter-municipal and Inter-sectoral Actors in Europe
The partners from all participating countries (Croatia, Bulgaria, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain) will prepare the presentations about their status quo concerning civic participation in their activities. Special attention in 8 presentations shall be given to legislation of regional entities in particular countries, their impact on society in the context of local economic development and strengthening the local identity, active citizenship and solidarity within its territory.
Target 2.
A documentary film production
Filming of a documentary on the work of regional associations with citizens, how citizens participate in their work and their decision-making processes, the differences between Eastern and Western Europe and whether and how these associations form the society.
The partner from Spain will write the script for the movie, will travel around the countries participating in the project to gradually get 8 contributions to the film. It shoots interviews with partners and citizens.
Target 3.
Premiere of a Documentary Film on Correlation between Active Citizenship and Regional and Interest Associations linked to the Civil Dialogue about the Film
The premiere of the documentary film is preceded by its filming and processing (editing, subtitles). Before the premiere, there will be a press briefing before local journalists on the reasons for making a film, in which the Slovak project applicant will also have the floor to present the project in short.
The event will be followed by a public discussion on the topic of the film.
Target 4.
Fair of Intersectoral and Intermunicipal Cooperation (InCoop Fair) in Nitra & Project Presentation at Agrocomplex Nitra exhibition 2022
All project partners will be invited to Slovakia to present their activities before local, Polish, Croatian, Austrian, Czech and Hungarian audience. Workshops prepared by the Bulgarian partner will take place and a roundtable for project partners will evaluate the results of the project so far; the results of data collection and current level of civil participation in them.
Cluster of Regional Development will present the project in its own stand at Agrocomplex Nitra exhibition 2022.
Target 5.
A research on the state of play of inter-municipal and inter-sectoral associations in Europe in the context of civic participation
Research will take place over 10 months of the project and will be realized on the basis of email and Skype communication with project partners, who, based on instructions from the Portuguese partner, will carry out research in their countries. The electronically processed research data will be sent to the partner from Portugal. This will process the data and produce a comparative study with recommendations for improving civic participation in the operation of regional associations, authorities or clusters.
Target 6.
International Scientific Conference on Research Results
The conference is preceded by research conducted in the 8 participating countries on how intermunicipal and intersectoral associations affect local economic development and their impact on strenghtening local identity, active citizenship and solidarity. The conference will be preceded by a press conference at which the Slovak applicant also briefly informs about the project. The main audiance of the conference are scientists, but the project partners are invited as well.
Target 7.
The workshop "How does EU-level cooperation address the issues of local authorities and civic associations?"
One and a half day workshop on seniors in the EU regions, exchange of best practice on regional and cross-sectoral levels, minorities in EU society and their cooperation with inter-municipal and inter-secotral actors - discussion on increased participation of minorities in regional authorities, partners of regional authorities - how the EU helped them through projects already implemented.
European MiniCamp - camp for children where they will be familiar with the peculiarities of their regions.
Target 8.
International Conference on Participatory Regional Policy Instruments (ICPRPI)
ICPRPI will present state-of-the-art participatory tools of public authorities. It shall also present the results and summaries of the research carried out in Portugal and the documentary made in Spain. The primary target group will be the Central European inter-municipal and inter-sectoral entities from Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland and Slovakia, as well as Austrians, Czechs, Hungarians. The conference will include a roundtable of the project partners and a press conference.
Target 9.
Presentation of the project results in Brussels, Belgium before the European Committee of the Regions and the relevant EP and EC actors
Polish, Portuguese and Spanish partners together with the Slovak applicant will present the project results in Brussels before the European Committee of the Regions and the relevant EP and EC actors. KRR (SK) will present the status quo and current needs of the intermunicipal and intersectoral actors in Europe and RZESZOW (PO) will present the feedback on the implementation of the project results from PPs. The presentation will take place before invited members of the relevant sections of the EP and EC.