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Descriptive analysis INCOOP questionnaire

The questionnaire was disseminated between January and March on various online platforms - namely social networks (LinkedIn and Facebook) - and through the various partners’ databases.

About this output

The questionnaire was disseminated between January and March on various online platforms - namely social networks (LinkedIn and Facebook) - and through the various partners’ databases. The questionnaire was created using the Google Ads platform. Statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 28.8. All respondents were asked for their consent to use the data collected in this analysis.


The questionnaire was answered by 1029 individuals. However, only 1011 were considered valid for analysis. Questionnaires that were incomplete (more than 3 questions not answered), that had invalid answers (such as answers outside the range of possible answers indicated) or were improperly filled out were excluded.


The 1011 individuals whose answers were analysed were aged between 14 and 73 years old, residing in different European municipalities – 148 different municipalities in total. 53.5.6% (N=541) identified themselves as female and 46.3% (N=468) as male. 2 signalled the option "Don't know/no answer". On average, respondents were 37 years old.


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